Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tell Me Again How Democrats Are "The Party of Women"?

I'm not going to argue with this lady:
Why are women finally beginning to reject Mr. Obama? Because he betrayed their trust. It’s personal. With the truth of Obamacare on the table for all to see, including the higher premiums, the canceled policies, the excluded doctors and hospitals, the original targeted marketing of Obamacare to women has now been exposed as the cynical and manipulative fraud it really was. It would have been bad enough, but perhaps forgivable, had Mr. Obama simply been wrong or made a major mistake. To have flagrantly lied, though, about an issue fundamental to our health and future, is particularly unacceptable to women — the very people on whom he has relied for his elections and for support of his legislative agenda.


  1. I'm honestly not sure why this would be gender specific, or even accurate. If anything, women stand do benefit more since they live longer and have the added expense of maternity care. The real problems with Obamacare are that it does nothing to reduce costs, provides disincentives for employers to hire, and has WAY too many unintended consequences. To argue that that means that Democrats are the new anti-women party doesn't make sense. I've never heard a Democrat argue that you can't get pregnant if you're raped, or that you need to have an invasive ultrasound before you have an abortion (you don't. regardless of your position on the morality of abortion, it's not true.) I think Obama outright lying to us on so many issues ... should unite us. He's lied to the men, as well, and we should all punish anyone he agrees with at the ballot box ...but that certainly doesn't mean support the Republican no matter whom. There are always more than two choices.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    This addresses your prompt but does not conform to your narrative.

    Democrats are, indeed, the party of women.

  3. allen (in Michigan)12:57 PM

    Ummm, the link results in a "page you're looking for can't be found" so I suppose it does show what women can expect from this White House.

  4. allen ... hilarious


    A Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research survey conducted from Nov. 18-20 asked voters who supported President Barack Obama in 2012: “As you may know, millions of Americans have lost their insurance plans despite President Obama’s promise that, quote, ‘if you like your plan, you can keep it.’ If you knew in 2012 that this promise was not true, would you still have voted for Barack Obama?”

    In response, 23 percent said they would not have voted to re-elect Obama, while 72 percent said they would still have voted for him. The largest number of defections were among female voters ages 18-54, 31 percent of whom said they would not have supported the president.

    This is what happens when we try to Balkanize the electorate and *be* the Party of Women instead of the Party of Americans. We get liars.

  6. The Democrats don't just try to be the party of women ... they try to be the party of women, and minorities. The Republicans are doing nothing to change this. And, it's working for the Ds. If you really want to be the party of Americans, though, why not allow people of all beliefs compete? Eliminate party distinctions, and let candidates compete on what they say, and judge them on what they do. Publicly fund elections, and don't allow campaign contributions (and yes, i understand that would require a constitutional amendment). While I have never seen more overt lies by a President in my lifetime than with Obama ... Republicans aren't blameless either. How the Republicans could have passed up Gary Johnson in favor of Mitt Romney is still baffling to me.

