Saturday, November 23, 2013

Teachers Wouldn't Support Their Current Unions If They Weren't Required To

This is why states like California, with strong unions, are not right-to-work states--because given a choice, teachers would opt out of unions:
Two Wisconsin public sector unions failed to achieve re-certification Thursday, the latest sign that Gov. Scott Walker's sweeping reforms to the state's rules for public employee unions are causing workers to abandon labor organizations.

Wisconsin Association for Correctional Law Enforcement and the education unit of Council 24 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees both lost bids to re-certify Thursday, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

In the case of the teacher's union, it just barely missed, winning 49.5 percent of its 664 eligible members. It needed a bare majority of 51 percent to continue. The union said it may challenge the results.
If allowed to I'd voluntarily join my local teachers union. Their rule, not mine, states that if I want to be a member I must also be a member of the CTA and the NEA, which I absolutely do not want to be.  Mandatory association--it's thuggish, it's wrong, it's a sign that they don't really have anything of value to offer that people would choose.

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