Thursday, November 07, 2013

Not Changing My Latitude, But...

I'm definitely going to change my attitude.

A little over a week ago I came down with shingles--and yes, it hurts as much as you've heard it does!  Even as the rash is going way (thank you, anti-viral drugs!) I'm told the pain will last for weeks, at least.

So for the last week I've been in a lot of pain in inconvenient places (it hits me on my right hip, and then around front and back from there) and have been kind of grumpy.  I mean, it hurts!  And I have to go to work.  I can only be negative for so long, though, and I have to revert to my usual relatively upbeat self, pain be damned.  I'm tired of being the grumpy old man complaining about his maladies, so as of now I'm going to be more positive.  I'll look for positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.

It's not going to make the pain go away but attitude's gotta count for something!


  1. My advise to you is to start drinking heavily! :<)

  2. When I was in 7th grade shingles hit a good friend of mine. He had it all over one side of his face--right down the middle, including in his mouth. It wasn't just a rash, but brown scabby blisters.

    He came to school despite how he looked, and earned the title of the bravest kid in our class.

  3. scott mccall7:40 PM

    all I hear are those baby noises you made in class at anyone who complained about anything......

    ....but seriously, hope it doesn't hurt much longer.

  4. PeggyU1:28 PM

    My mother-in-law has had them. She once mentioned they hurt, but never really made much of a commotion about it. She's a tough old lady!

  5. T-Bone5:37 PM

    I feel for you. I had them too, across my back, and it SUCKED. My doc said her mom, also a teacher like us, gets them every year in August from stress. Hope they clear up soon, bro.
