Saturday, October 12, 2013

What A Morning!

I was up at 3:30 to pick up the folks at 4 to take them to the airport.  When I got home I took a little bit of a nap, yet still by 8:10 the army's newest recruit and I were on the road to Apple Hill, less than an hour away.

We stopped at our favorite orchard and ate and bought Christmas presents from some of the crafts vendors, then went to just one or two other places.  By the time we headed home the tiny 2-lane country road inbound was backed up forever with people coming out to make a day in the foothills; you can see why we left so early.  Apple Hill, with all its orchards and wineries, is quite the tourist magnet--especially in October, when the apples are harvested.

I brought home a couple of apple pies, a gallon of cider, and 20 lbs of red delicious apples.  While there we had some tri-tip sandwiches with chipotle apple barbecue sauce (mmm mmm MMM!) and some ciders; I have the plastic bottles in the dishwasher now, getting nice and clean in preparation for my limoncello in about 2 weeks.

It's a heckuva way to spend a Saturday morning, but someone's gotta do it :-)

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