Monday, October 28, 2013

Extreme Environmental Laws

I'm sure it's not just me, so I won't ask the "is it just me, or..." rhetorical question, but this seems pretty darned extreme:
It’s hard to wave your spirit fingers when the city shuts down the cheerleading squad’s fundraising car wash to protect the environment.

This is what happened to Lincoln High School cheerleaders  trying to raise money to attend a national competition in April. The San Jose Mercury reports that local environmental officials warned the high school cheerleaders that their car wash violated the city’s water discharge laws.

“We had a visit from the city of San Jose Environmental Services Department who said that the car washes at Hoover [Middle School] are in violation of water discharge laws, therefore we had to cancel this and all future car washes,” said an email that was sent out to neighborhood email lists on Oct. 18.
This is how far government can take things.

Hat tip to reader MikeAT.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    "This is how far government can take things."

    No, it's not. Not by a long shot. Government can take things much, much further. And it will, unless a free people stops it.

  2. jose? presumably a similar mount of water gets released in to the system regardless of where it's done ...

  3. That's just sad. But we can't have bake sales because
    1. someone might be allergic to nuts and die
    2. union workers for Aramark don't like the competition for student dollars
    3. bake sales don't feature veggie wraps
    4. PTA mom's don't like competition with their cookie sales
    So we won't be attending our regional competition because none of the kids want to kick in and I can't afford it from my budget.

  4. PeggyU11:29 AM

    Here in our little county, there is a hypersensitivity to waste water treatment. For example, cars must be washed on impervious surfaces, because of fears of runoff into the storm water drains.

    As you might guess, this has affected car wash fundraisers (a very popular money making activity for many high school projects). There is also an effort afoot by our rabid environmentalists to make storm water education mandatory in our public schools.

  5. Part of my comment got chopped. the firs line was meant to read "Just how do they dispose of water in San Jose?
