Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Fulfilling Day

I was up at 5:40 this morning, and at school by 7:15 to help proctor the PSAT.  When that was complete I went to Sam's Club, where I bought some small Christmas presents and had a root beer float.

Then I came home and got to work.

There used to be 2x4's imbedded in my back patio, but over the decades they've done a good job of rotting.  A few hours and about 80 lbs of Quikrete later I got most of the wood removed and the gaps filled.

Needing some relaxation, I broke out a movie I hadn't yet seen--The Life of Pi.  It was nice story-telling.

It's now not even 7:00 and I don't know yet what I'm going to do for the rest of the evening!


  1. PeggyU2:39 PM

    You got Christmas shopping done? I haven't even bought Halloween candy yet!

  2. I'm usually done well before Thanksgiving. That way I can enjoy myself at the mall without feeling pressured--I can enjoy the decorations, the music, the atmosphere. And anything I see and buy is just something *additional* for someone!

    I love Christmas :-)

    But you know what? I never pass out candy on Halloween. Just one of those things.

  3. PeggyU11:32 AM

    Fall is our busy time, what with several family birthdays falling in November & December. I have never managed to achieve the sort of calm you describe during the holidays. I need to do Christmas prep in June or July, I think, if I want to be on top of it!

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Christmas shopping done already, wow! But why no candy on Halloween?

  5. I just don't do Halloween. I've never really understood the deal with it.

    But Christmas? Yeah, I love that holiday!

  6. Halloween candy is in the closet, starting the Christmas shopping...generally by Thanksgiving I have 90% of it done.
