Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This Story Almost--Almost--Makes Me Sympathetic Towards Napolitano

Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has been chosen to head the University of California system and some of the entitled, self-absorbed little twits want to throw a hissy fit and see if they can milk something out of the new grown-up:
A letter endorsed by nearly a dozen student groups includes the phrase: “We demand that you implement the following across the UC system.” Those demands include making the system a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants, barring the use of system funds or resources going to help Immigration and Customs Enforcement (which Napolitano oversaw in her previous job), impose mandatory sensitivity training on campus police and prohibit police from interfering with student demonstrations.

“As people of color, queer, undocumented, womyn (sic), and allies within the UC system, our work is to ensure that the UC is inclusive to our communities and that the UC system lives up to its mission ‘to serve as a center of higher learning,’” reads the letter, which was initially published on DreamActivist.org Sunday.

It goes on to cite Napolitano’s “specific experience in managing militaristic entities” as reasons why they are “uneasy” about her taking over the system. Napolitano, who oversaw the deportation of 1.6 million illegal aliens during the first term of President Obama, last month became the first woman appointed to head the sprawling system.
It annoys me that I pay for their education, and embarrasses me that they represent the best of our state's higher education system.

1 comment:

  1. As annoying as those 'demands' are ... particularly the illegal immigrant sanctuary one ( it's already the case that an illegal immigrant who has lived in CA pays less than a legal citizen coming over from AZ) ... it might have been a good idea to seek out someone who had a background in education to run an education system. This appointment did not sit well with me. We have exponentially rising costs in the UC system, and we give a raise to someone with no background. Well done, CA government.
