Friday, September 27, 2013

These Are The Types Of Battles You Have To Fight When Silly Decisions Just Domino

I wonder how we'd deal with this in California, under our new laws:
Two boys playing on a girls’ volleyball team at a New York high school could see their playing time spiked when league officials consider modifying a rule that allows them to play with the fairer sex.

Seniors Andrew Lafortezza and Jason Elbaum both played for the co-ed volleyball club last season at Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua. But due to budgetary constraints, the Quakers were unable to field a boys’ team this year, prompting the teens to seek a spot on the girls’ squad, which they earned after receiving approval from league officials in August.

But New York State Public High School Athletic Association Executive Director Robert Zayas told that the issue will reconsidered by an ad hoc committee in early December.

“I’m very concerned with the fact that we have two boys playing on a girls’ team,” Zayas said. “I’m concerned there’s a significant adverse effect on other teams.”
Nobody thought this through in advance?


  1. What going to happen when all those liberal universities start seeking boys to plan on girls teams and offering them the scholarships over the girls? It could happen. Oh what the heck, we all know it WILL happen.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    There are plenty of already-existing rules for coed volleyball, which reflect the reality of height and vertical leap differentials. The most common one is that men can't spike from inside the 10' line. That's easy to enforce because there are already some back row hitters who do just that; men just act like back row hitters. I've played in many leagues which worked that way and it wasn't very hard to deal with. That said, with a women's net it is still a crazy advantage to any man who can really hit: if you're good enough to hit from the back row on a men's net, then you can CRUSH it on a women's net.

    Coed rules are never really fair because there's too much difference. The ones which only address position (like "hit from behind the line") end up giving advantages to men. And the finickier-to-handle ones which are designed to avoid male dominance (like "a woman must touch the ball" or "no more than one male blocker at the net" etc.) end up causing a lot of annoying stoppages.

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This could save a ton of money....each school has just one team(v-ball, b-ball, ect) that everyone tries out for. The best make it on the team and then we don't have to worry about any of this. What's that you say... Title 9, what does that have to do with anything. Just the best person for the team, right?

  4. It's not high school ... but I played in a coed league where we played fours (my favorite number for volleyball) and we won consistently with a 2-2 male female split ... no other team had more than one female, and I was the tallest person on the team at 6' ... and I was the setter. It's defense and strategy that wins in volleyball.
    Sex shouldn't matter.

  5. And as a larger question ...where are the title ix folk?
