Tuesday, September 03, 2013

The Very Definition of Socialism

It's not enough that the public treasure provides for those who cannot or will not provide for themselves, now the public treasury will provide another entitlement for everyone, even those who don't need it:
Officials for Boston public schools are expected to announce their plan to provide free lunches to all students on Tuesday, according to the Boston Globe.

It’s part of an experimental federal program that provides free lunches to all students, even for those whose families can afford them.
Where's that sequester when we need it?


  1. elaine c.6:12 AM

    I've taught at several schools here in CA that do this. Those schools had a high number of students who already qualified, so it was actually cheaper for the school to provide for all than to monitor who got what.

    Additionally... We already provide free breakfast and lunch to all kids regardless of income over the summer...

  2. dmjole4:07 PM


  3. allen (in Michigan)4:56 AM

    Sorry dmjole but it appears Heinlein was wrong.

    At least wrong in the short term and if you live a life of instant gratification short term is plenty long enough.
