Saturday, September 07, 2013

Mama Bear

Ignoring the obviously low-quality journalism here ("beats the crap out of", "beatdown", "punched the teacher...upside the head"), this story is rather interesting:
The mother of a kindergarten boy Kansas City received a citation for criminal assault because, police say, she inflicted a vicious beatdown on the boy’s teacher.

The pummeling occurred on Thursday night at Truman Elementary School. Simone A. Baker, 24, allegedly entered the school and proceeded directly to the unidentified teacher’s classroom at about 6 p.m., reports The Kansas City Star.

She said, “You better not touch my kid again.” She punched the teacher, 49. upside the head five to 10 times. Next, narrates a police report, Baker jerked the teacher out of her chair by the hair. Then, for good measure, Baker smashed the teacher’s head against a filing cabinet—twice.

Baker’s next move was to run swiftly out of the classroom and out of the school building
Yes, there are some punctuation problems here, too, but that's not really the point.  If the teacher did something wrong here, she should be punished.  The parent clearly violated the law here and should be punished.  The district said they'll prosecute; if I were that teacher I'd also instigate civil proceedings.


  1. allen (in Michigan)3:13 PM

    Between the two I'd say the mommy's good for a significant stretch in government housing. She could easily have killed the teacher if the description of the "beatdown" is even close to accurate and my guess is that it wouldn't be her first acquaintance with violence.

    Also, why is the district announcing that the district will prosecute? The assault was perpetrated against the teacher.

    And you're being way to kind in your description of the writing. It's terrible and about the only reason I can see to accept writing of that quality is that Yahoo doesn't have much choice. Well, that or they might not care.

  2. Allen

    I would not count on that, although she deserves it. With my experience in county counts, that will get her a couple of weeks at best.

    If the teacher did something wrong here, she should be punished. The parent clearly violated the law here and should be punished. The district said they'll prosecute; if I were that teacher I'd also instigate civil proceedings.
    As I read this, the district cannot press charges for anything but trespass. The teacher, yes, was assaulted and can press for that and the civil loss of pay, etc. But knowing big city justice, I wouldn't count on it. This will be pled out. It appalls me she was let off with a citation and not booked on the spot.

  3. Note to people outside Kansas City: anything with "Truman" on it means "the hood." So, avoid Truman Hospital, Truman Road, and so on. Trust me.

    The "mom" was issued a citation, which to my understanding means probably a fine/probation. She is also 24 and has a kindergartener? You have to be over 5 to attend kindergarten here.

    I think the school district is going to try to keep her off school grounds in the future, and I hope they are able to prosecute her. This story is more clear, btw:
