Sunday, September 01, 2013

How Many Students Do You Have?

As of Friday I had over 160.  My contractual cap is 165 in 5 classes.

Both of those numbers are a disgrace.


  1. I'm at 186 in 7 classes. A couple of those are phantom students, though, because they are actually on the disciplinary campus and are only on my roll sheet for enrollment purposes -- until they get sent back to our campus.

    But it is customary for many of our migrant families to wait until after Labor Day to show up and enroll their students, so I could see an influx of another 6-12 over the next week.

  2. I have 191, plus 2 t.a.'s in 5 classes. 46 kids in one class alone! There are no contractual caps in my district.

  3. 180 currently. 5 classes.

  4. None in mine, either -- and I've got no TAs and three preps.

  5. Some of the Spanish teachers at my school have 50 or 51. It's ridiculous to expect quality learning of a foreign language with 51 high school students in one class.

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    my daughter has 7th period social studies....she doesn't have a textbook

  7. I have 185 students spread over 6 teaching periods, with my largest class at 36.

    My all-time record was a few years ago when I had 215 students.

  8. Anonymous, if you're in California the school is in violation of the Williams Act (which states that students will be issued textbooks for classes that require them).

  9. Oh, I got two more students today.
