Friday, August 30, 2013

Revenge Porn

When I saw this headline I had only a one-word response:  really?  (said in the most sardonic voice possible)

In case the story ever goes away...
California weighs making 'revenge porn' illegal

In the aftermath of a failed relationship, jilted lovers have been known to lash out by posting sexually explicit photos or videos of their exes online.

Called "revenge porn," or the less-salacious "cyber revenge," the trend has been around for years, spawning entire websites that profit off these images. But now, state laws could make this illegal.

This week, the California Legislature is debating a new bill that would make it a misdemeanor for people to distribute sexually explicit photos or videos they'd shot in order to cause others humiliation or distress. It has already passed the state Senate.
Is there nothing more important the California legislature could be working on?


  1. scott mccall9:07 AM

    i thought it was illegal to post videos/photos online for profit without the consent of the individuals in the photo/videos?

  2. It might be. Revenge porn often doesn't have financial gain as a goal.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Darren: "Is there nothing more important the California legislature could be working on?"

    This seems comparatively safe compared to lots of other things they could be doing ... like working on a second high speed rail line or increasing takes again.

    -Mark R.
