Saturday, August 17, 2013

Remember When We Were Told That The Muslim Brotherhood Was 'Mostly Secular'?

Ok, lefties, then how do you explain this?
Christians all around Egypt are cleaning up in the aftermath of a spate of attacks, which came on the country's deadliest day since the 2011 revolution that overthrew longtime President Hosni Mubarak.

Bishop Angaelos, the Cairo-born head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, said he was told by colleagues in Egypt that 52 churches were attacked in a 24-hour span that started Wednesday, as well as numerous Christians' homes and businesses.

Ishak Ibrahim, a researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, told CNN he had confirmed attacks on at least 30 churches so far, in addition to the targeting of church-related facilities, including schools and cultural centers...

This and other attacks have been blamed by some on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement which backs recently deposed President Mohamed Morsy.
Gotta love that last statement.  CNN wants to put as much room as they can between the Muslim Brotherhood and President Obama's support for them.  Making such a large miscalculation is what's known as "smart diplomacy".

The BBC gives a little more detail:
Witnesses described the attackers as shouting slogans in support of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.



  2. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said at a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

    Clapper said the Egyptian opposition group, which many American commentators have expressed fears of coming to power in a post-Mubarak Egypt, is a “very heterogeneous group, largely secular.”

    Clapper said that the group “has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam” and “have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt.”

    Read more:

  3. So we're citing the guy who gave Congress the "least untruthful" answer he could?

  4. No, we're citing the Director of National Intelligence who was either a liar or, at best, absolutely clueless. Neither speaks well for him or the Administration for which he works and speaks.

  5. Darren

    Can you hear the screams of indignation of the usual suspects is George W Bush said this.
