Saturday, August 31, 2013

"No Longer" A Planetary Emergency?

When was it ever?
World Federation of Scientists changes its policy: “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”
Update, 9/1/13: Link fixed now. Sorry!

Update #2, 9/1/13:  You've got to love stories like this, a knock-off of the Gore Effect:
If you want to tempt fate, organize an expedition to one of the polar regions to call attention to the perils of global warming. The outcome is foreordained....


  1. PeggyU2:20 PM

    Linky no worky. :(

  2. LeftCoastRef8:45 PM

    Mr. ROTLC, did you happen to see/hear about this back in March? I saw this the other day and was stunned.

  3. LCR, I had not. Interesting, certainly worth considering.
