Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Could Use A Few Extra Shekels, But I'm Not A Whore, which bills itself as “the #1 online dating website for sugar babies and generous men,” is now boasting that some 40,000 public school teachers of a certain moral caliber have joined the website in an attempt to sell sexual services seek wealthy, older men for “mutually beneficial relationships.”

In a press release, SeekingArrangement’s CEO suggests that teachers on the website are responding conventionally to diminished budgets, overcrowded classrooms and, of course, the perpetual need for school supplies.

“You can’t expect a teacher to accept less pay for more work than their peers, and then reach into their pockets to fund your child’s classroom,” declared Brandon Wade, the website’s founder and CEO. “But that’s what’s happening. If those are the expectations and pressures we are putting on our teachers in America, than they can’t possibly be judged for whatever extracurricular activities they choose to pursue to stay afloat.”

According to SeekingArrangement, the top five school districts in the country for sugar-baby teachers are (in order): the School District of Philadelphia, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Los Angeles Unified School District, the Clark County School District (in the Las Vegas area) and the New York City public schools.
On the other hand, I don't have a problem with legalizing prostitution. Let's just be clear what we're talking about, though.

1 comment:

  1. Oh realllllly. I know the teachers' unions will sell any story to show how terribly deprived teachers are, but seriously? Can you imagine a teacher giving sexual favours out so that she can have enough money to put penguins on her bulletin board at Christmastime?! Ho ho ho! :/
