Thursday, August 01, 2013


A month ago the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg was celebrated, and reader Peter Reilly was there.  I certainly enjoy his style of writing which is exemplified by the following snippet:
We were carrying at most small back packs with bottles of water.  We were going at a slow pace with several breaks for interpretation and hydration.  We were not wearing wool uniforms or carrying muskets.  None of us were marching to our deaths.  Other than that, it was just like marching with the Iron Brigade exactly 150 years before.
Note the links to his other 150th anniversary articles in the left column of the link.

I've been to Gettysburg twice.  It's one of the prettiest places you can visit (if you like serene, pastoral settings), and what happened there over those three July days 150 years ago was--well, impressive.

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