Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Does Anyone Else See Any Potential Problems Here?

Do the perceived benefits justify the potential problems?
California students will soon be able to use the bathrooms and join the teams that best match their gender identity, as Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday signed a bill enshrining rights for transgender youth.

The legislation, authored by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, advanced from both houses of the Legislature on largely party-line votes. Supporters said the bill protects young people who often endure intolerance and bullying as they travel a twisting road toward self-awareness.

Although California law already shields transgender students from discrimination, Ammiano argued his bill would guarantee uniform treatment across the state's hundreds of school districts. It clarifies that individual districts cannot bar students from a single-sex setting like a men's basketball team or a women's locker room. 
If you say I don't act or dress like a girl when I want to pop into the other locker room or join the other sports team, I'll just point out that you're demonstrating ignorance and bias with your stereotypes and are therefore oppressing me.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/08/13/5645240/jerry-brown-signs-bill-empowering.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Wonder if the Law of Unintended Consequences will apply: How long until an all male (girls) softball team comes along? How long until the girls basketball coach puts a few boys on the team? How long until girls quit or get cut from sports because a boy is playing (yes, a obviously straight, hetero boy(s)) How long until girls stop using the restroom completely because boys keep going in? I think the law should be simple: Born with a wiener, use the boys room. Period. Otherwise, use the girls room.

  2. Good call. Instead of "boys" and "girls" the signs can read "internal plumbing" and "external plumbing".

    Problem solved. Next!

  3. PeggyU4:48 PM

    Can't they just make "ambivalent" bathrooms for the in-betweens and leave it at that?

  4. allen (in Michigan)10:46 AM

    Oh, how could there be a problem?

    This law's being advanced and supported by people who are thrilled with their compassion and broadmindedness. That's why their naked hatred of those with whom they disagree isn't evidence of hatefulness and narrow mindedness.

  5. The phrase "authored by Tom Ammiano" should trigger dread only slightly less than "authored by Daryll Steinberg"

  6. And Darren ... well put.

  7. Here's an aspect that has not been addressed. Although physiologically male, self identified "females" would be allowed places on sports teams. While smaller schools have limited male scholarships and programs under various Title IX programs, female sports programs often have scholarships open. What is to stop a self identified "female" who is physiologically male from joining a female team, excelling at a sport such as soccer or track or softball or basketball and actually taking scholarships away from real female applicants. Talk about unintended consequences....
