Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Black Students and American Education

Drudge-like, Joanne Jacobs has two consecutive posts today that truly amplify each other:

Williams:  "Corrupt" leaders ignore bad schools
“Corrupted” by teachers union money, black leaders who spoke at Saturday’s March on Washington failed to speak out against bad schools, charged Fox News contributor Juan Williams on “The O’Reilly Factor.” The march commemorated the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

A black graduate asks, why do so few make it?
Jamaal Abdul-alim earned a journalism degree at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Jamaal Abdul-AlimHe returned, writing for the Washington Monthly, to ask why only 19 percent of black students complete a degree in six years, half the rate for the university as a whole. Why did he make it when so many fail?


  1. This story from the weekend also ties in:

    South L.A. student finds a different world at Cal


    School had always been his safe harbor.

    Growing up in one of South Los Angeles' bleakest, most violent neighborhoods, he learned about the world by watching "Jeopardy" and willed himself to become a straight-A student.

    His teachers and his classmates at Jefferson High all rooted for the slight and hopeful African American teenager. He was named the prom king, the most likely to succeed, the senior class salutatorian. He was accepted to UC Berkeley, one of the nation's most renowned public universities.

    A semester later, Kashawn Campbell sat inside a cramped room on a dorm floor that Cal reserves for black students. It was early January, and he stared nervously at his first college transcript.

    There wasn't much good to see.


  2. PeggyU10:24 AM

    Here's an article about a black (well, sort of black - at least as black as Obama) student that I think you will enjoy.

  3. I think many minority students come from schools where they did not have a chance to take the kind of rigorous upper level classes that would better prepare a student for college. Pair this with the corners cut for some minority students in order to fulfill diversity quotas and you have a situation where students simply drown. Of course there are many kids across the board who head for college because they are told "everyone goes to college" who have absolutely no business in college. We need to stop looking at tech and vocational schools as some sort of shameful alternative. With one year training, a person could become a bonded locksmith, have their own business and make as much or more than I do as a teacher. My cousin who is a plumber is nearly a millionaire. We've got to get over this elite snobbery.
