Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Does This Have To Do With My Pay, Benefits, and Working Conditions?

Crap like this is exactly why I'm not a member of a teachers union:
The National Education Association and the Federation of Teachers, which together represent some 4.5 million teachers and others, both are urging the Department of Justice to investigate George Zimmerman, who was acquitted by a jury of second-degree murder in the Florida killing of teenager Trayvon Martin.
When the unions I'm required to support will focus (only) on my pay, benefits, and working conditions,  I'll gladly pay, be a member, and stop resisting them.  Until then they can kiss my ...

Update:  Why do I support this guy?  I don't.  I don't think he's an angel, but I don't think he needs to be sacrificed just because the kid he killed was black.  This grievance-industrial complex must come to an end.

Here's some more information about Zimmerman, though, that doesn't fit the narrative:
Zimmerman Was a Democrat, Voted For Obama, Tutored Black Kids (Video). Not quite your white Republican racist stereotype, is he, lefties?


  1. PeggyU12:10 AM

    I've tutored black kids. I didn't realize that wasn't allowed if you're a white Republican. ;)

  2. Ridiculous on two fronts. First, it's not a union issue. Second, Holder already said it would be investigated. No prompting required, except that from Obama.

  3. pseudotsuga10:01 PM

    That's right, maxutils: it's NOT a union issue, nor a teaching issue--yet these unions apparently want to stick their noses into something that isn't their business. What a great use of union dues payers funds! That money could be used to focus on pay, benefits or working conditions (none of which are affected by the Zimmerman trial's verdict...)

  4. I don't think all African American kids are bad. I don't think all white kids are good. I tend to take people as they come. I do know that incidents like this-whether it's a shooting, an accident or other event is a series of bad decisions. Leading up to it, Trayvon was repeatedly kicked out of school for actions that in other towns and states would have gotten him in the Juvenile system. He was so out of control that his mother, the one who later trademarked his name, kicked him out. So even before that night, decisions were in play by everyone involved. Zimmerman was not using good judgement to have a gun when he was doing neighborhood watch. It was somewhat of an overreaction to eight burglaries five of which identified young black males as the perpetrators. Zimmerman spotted Martin. He follows to see where he's going which is NOT a crime. The dispatcher tells him they don't need him to do that, Zimmerman doesn't see Martin and turns around. Martin is within sight of his Dad's yard. On the phone with the "star witness" he could have gone home and called 911 OR hung up on his girlfriend and made the call right then. Instead he turned around, found Zimmerman, punched him MMA style knocking him to the ground (verified by eye witness) and as they roll around, Zimmerman mishandles the gun and it goes off. The ensuing misinformation campaign funded by the DOJ is a travesty and should be grounds for removal of Holder as Atty Gen. I am still hearing people make claims that are absolutely not backed up by any of the evidence. And I guess what bugs me is the sanitized image of Trayvon which is so contrary to his real history-just like those tee shirt with Che on them.
