Monday, July 22, 2013

Not Even Subtle

Normally I wouldn't mind, but given recent events, this is disconcerting. 
"Ve are vatching you."

Excuse me, there's a knock at the door....


  1. Been good knowing you Darren.....on second thoght, I've never known you in my life! :)

  2. "Paranoia will destroy ya ..."

  3. And today someone representing the gas company showed up and said they needed to do "some work" on my gas meter. Hmmmmm.

  4. PeggyU1:55 AM

    So what were you doing in Canada?

  5. Probably being tracked!

    When I crossed back and got off the ferry in Port Angeles, I was asked by the immigration guy why I was in Canada. I answered that I was on vacation. "Why Canada?" "Because I like it there." What the hell kind of question *was* that?

  6. PeggyU12:56 PM

    ^ A socially awkward border guard's idea of making small talk, I think. Vogons should abstain from chit chat. It doesn't work for them.

  7. It didn't sound like chit-chat. It was in a line of staccato questioning.

  8. At least he didn't make Darren listen to his poetry, Peggy.

  9. PeggyU8:24 AM

    I think that any time you bring a vehicle that is capable of storing a lot of stuff they get paranoid. Can't have you getting away with not paying a duty on something, you know! The trailer might have pushed their buttons. We went furniture shopping in Richmond once and got that sort of treatment. I haven't been north of the border in quite a long time, since I need to renew my passport in order to go there. I can't remember when the enhanced drivers licences expire, but I figured I might as well just update the passport since they will require it eventually anyhow. Last time I was up there, they pretty much waved us through.

  10. Are you harboring Moose and squirrel?
