Monday, July 29, 2013

NEA Members, Where Does Your Dues Money Go?

Over $1 million was given to the AFL-CIO.
$70,000 was given to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
$55,000 was given to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
$30,000 was given to Daily Kos.
$125,000 was given to Health Care For America Now!
$150,000 was given to the Ohio Democratic Party.
$250,000 was given to the University of Colorado Boulder Sponsored Project.
Over $4.5 million was given to We Are Ohio.

And there are so many more listed here.

Private organizations can give their money to whomever they want.  But since I'm legally required to give money to this organization, they should be equally required to spend it only on work related directly to teacher pay, benefits, and working conditions.

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