Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Now Own My First...

...set of electric beaters.

I got a call from my uncle last night.  They're clearing out grandpa's house (he's 101 and in an assisted living facility now) and he asked me if I wanted some things.  I didn't want the hutch he called about but I told him that since my son will be 18 in a year, I'd like to get some kitchen things for him.  I already have pots and pans for him, and today I went and gathered up dishes, flatware, a microwave, a toaster oven, and a small blender.

I've always used old-school hand crank beaters. All I've ever made with them are pudding, jello, cornbread, things like that; clearly I'm not much of a cook.  But there in the drawer was grandma's set of electric beaters.  So now, for the first time in my life I own a set of electric beaters.

I wonder how long it will take me to use them!

I'll still keep my hand beaters, and since grandma had a set of those, too, I took hers for my son.


The house was built up in the foothills in the 1930's.  It was probably never in good shape, but it's in pretty bad shape now.  A cousin and her husband are going to gut it or knock it down and build a new house for themselves in its place.  Grandma and grandpa bought it in 1976 or '77 and I've always loved going there.  Even when I was old enough to see how decrepit the place was, it always felt "cozy".

There's stuff all over the floors now, and what's left will soon get cleared out and sent to a thrift store (or worse).  I took my phone in and got some video of the house itself, just so I'll have it.



  1. PeggyU10:42 PM

    How on earth did you live this long without a mixer? Please tell me you don't still use a washboard ....

  2. I've had a mixer, just not an electric one. Mine's one you crank manually, as evidenced by The Biceps of Zeus.

  3. PeggyU3:12 PM

    I hope you are ambidextrous then, so both arms will get a balanced workout. :)
