Monday, July 01, 2013

Happy 30th Anniversary!

Thirty years and a couple days ago, over 1400 of America's finest started a long journey.  The very first leg of that journey, by far the easiest part, caused them all to start converging on southeast New York.  On July 1, 1983, all lines met at West Point.

Thirty years ago today was R-Day, "Reception Day" for our class.  I met my two roommates, and together we were the United Nations--I was Protestant, Ronnie was Catholic, and Alan was Jewish.  We weren't the most squared away trio but we worked well together.  We lost about a third of our class by the time graduation rolled around almost 4 years later, but all three of us graduated.  In fact, of the 11 new cadets in our squad, 10 of us graduated.

It's hard to believe it's been 30 years.  All those paths that met at West Point on that day so long ago later radiated out into a diaspora that even today allows us to live up to our class motto, Our Country We Strengthen.


  1. Interesting, of my Beast squad of 12, 11 of us graduated even though we too lost about a third of those who started. The 12th squadmate resigned at the end of Yearling year to marry a graduating Firstie. So 100% went on to serve in the Army in a way.

    Today, my cousin's son is the Man In The Red Sash and my friend's son is reporting to him.

    The Long Gray Line continues...

  2. Darren

    Who's the most rank of your class...I recall you had a member make the BG list a few years ago

  3. We have a few 1-stars now.
