Thursday, June 20, 2013

Travel Update

Left Tuesday night, made it to Weed and crashed in a rest stop for the night.  Drove all day today, meeting up with a friend in Tacoma.  Now I'm in a hotel (a shower is good) because I'm meeting two people tomorrow, including a reader/commenter on this blog!  Hopefully will get to sleep at the ferry terminal Thursday night so I can catch a Friday morning ferry to Friday Harbor.

I don't know why, but I used to have a really bad attitude about the I-5 corridor section of Oregon.  Driving through today I found it quite beautiful and not at all hillbilly :-)  Rain started at about the Mile 1 marker and continued intermittently until about the time I crossed the Columbia River.  Time really seemed to fly--except, of course, for rush hour traffic in Portland.

Off to bed now, been a long day.


  1. pseudotsuga9:45 AM

    Hey, I'm up in the Tacoma area myself! I'll wave to you as you drive by.

  2. Had I known you were there, too, we could have meet at the local watering hole (aka Starbucks!). Thursday evening I had a very enjoyable meet-up with reader PeggyU and her husband, who brought snackies down to Anacortes and joined me for tea.

  3. PeggyU4:56 PM

    Pseudo- Had I known you were in Tacoma, I would have given you a holler to join us. :) We are up near the border, so Anacortes is about an hour drive (although it is now road construction season, so times may vary.)
