Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bag It and Tag It

My skiing days are done.

Sunday I went up to the slopes.  The temperature was in the 50s, but despite that the snow conditions weren't horrible.  Oh, they weren't optimal, but it was pretty darned good skiing for being in the 50s.

From my house to the ski slope is 80 minutes, and another 40 min from there to Reno, so that's where I stayed Sunday night.  Slept in Monday, then hit the slopes on my way home.

I can't do what I used to be able to do--my once-injured knee lets me know it's not happy.  Skiing is just not as enjoyable an experience as it once was so I'm packing it in.  Next fall I'll sell the skis, boots, and poles.

I need a new winter activity.  I'm considering snowshoeing.  Any other ideas?


  1. May I suggest cross-country skiing? Still gets you out into the country and you can enjoy the scenery a lot better in my opinion. Good exercise and you don't have the lateral strains on your knee (which I believe is your problem).

    Snowshoeing might be harder since you have walk with your legs farther apart than normal. This would put a strain on the knee I would think.

    I've done all three and found cross country skiing the most enjoyable.

  2. I'm with Steve ... I guarantee you will find snow shoeing to be painful as well. CC skiing is more straight line, less friction, with some of the elements of skiing you liked. And I am one knowledgeable in the ways of kee pain

  3. PeggyU1:14 PM

    I was about to suggest cross-country or snow shoeing, but Steve beat me to it. :)

  4. We love cross country, and my sister-in-law loves snowshoeing.

    Of course, the snowboard half-pipe might be your thing.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Get a motorcycle. Even in winter, the lower Sierras are open; the sheer number of good roads will blow your mind. Gear up, let's ride!

  6. socalmike7:31 AM

    Peak bagging. Drive to areas that are not snow-bound (Central Cal, Nevada desert, etc.), and hike to the top. There are PLENTY of peaks out there just BEGGING for you to hike. Mt. Diablo is close by, right? I think you'd enjoy that.

  7. if your knee can handle it, there are lots of cool bike rides in the Sacramento area..... maybe rent an all terrain bike and try out some trails....mountains in summer, city in winter?

  8. Am told ... I haven't tried it ... snowboarding is harder on knees than skiing
