Thursday, February 14, 2013

Because Obviously, Hispanics Aren't Americans

Some people.  Sheesh.
Four California high-school students were reportedly suspended for chanting “U.S.A! U.S.A!” and wearing American flag bandanas during a basketball game. While their punishment has since been rescinded, school administrators said “the incident is far from over.”

Oxnard Union School District superintendent Gabe Soumakian told Fox News Radio that “we need to pursue this further” and “work with teachers and students and the community about the concept of cultural proficiency.” Soumakian and Camarillo High School principal Glenn Lipman felt that the students’ actions might have had racist undertones since the schools have large Hispanic student populations.

“We wanted to make sure [their actions weren't] racially motivated, and I told the kids I just want to be sensitive to the feelings of everybody,” Lipman said. “If we’re doing it for patriotism, that’s fine. But if we’re doing it for something else that’s racially motivated, I’m not going to allow that.”
I'm curious--are Americans a race? What racial overtones do you get from USA! USA! ?


  1. Hummmm... so if the other team were yelling "Viva Mexico!" or somesuch crap when they scored points, what punishment do you think they'd get??

    I thought so.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I remember reading comments from the US national soccer team that playing against the Mexican national team in southern CA was no different than playing against it in Mexico City. So much for assimilation

  3. I guess you missed the story where in Aurora CO only children of color were to get special tutoring. Allegedly it was a course of tutoring designed specifically for children of color. Excuse me, I thought all kids learned the same. I thought that our public education system was interested in the success of all children, even Anglo kids. Just more evidence that liberals are running the show and they intend to intentionally limit kids who don't fit into their ideal demographic profiles.

  4. And strictly speaking, they don't mean race, they mean ethnicity. Can't even get the terms correct.

  5. momof46:43 AM

    Re: Aurora. I read that a more senior admin has already said that was an "error", that all kids are welcome and that a new flyer would be sent home, to that effect. What a surprise; no doubt he was told that judicial precedent disallowed such programs. MIT had to open up their summer program (originally for URMs)to everyone and NYC had to open their URM prep sessions for the exam-school test to everyone (with the result that now most participants are Asian). Will the original admin be disciplined? Not likely.

  6. Of course, having watched soccer for a long time, people forget how the Mexican nationals threw garbage at the US team when they played in Mexico City. Was there any sort of apology or second guessing on the part of the Mexican officals? Nope, not one. As a matter of fact, when you talk to other Hispanic countries, THEY don't like Mexico and the way her citizens behave either. So I wonder if they disallow Mexico from shouting Viva Mexico at soccer matches? The answer is, they don't. They have songs and drumlines and chants and giant flags that obscure the views of entire sections of people. And yet somehow it's offensive for five kids to shout USA at a game. Seriously, liberals have got to get more balance in their lives.

  7. Two things: It's ridiculous to be punished for chanting in favor of your nation; and, it's ridiculous to chant in favor of your nation at a high school basketball game against another team from your nation. Unless, you have an ulterior motive. So, I have absolutely no doubt that these students were chanting to denigrate another team that was largely 'unamerican' . . .which sucks from a humanitarian standpoint, but is one hundred percent their right. If this were a USA / Mexico soccer game? It would be entirely defensible on all grounds. But, then again, there wouldn't be enough Americans watching it to care.
