Thursday, January 10, 2013

Should Students Be Required to Wear RFID Badges At School?

First off, I believe that requiring students to wear such badges is entirely legal, and that the religious argument against it, that it's akin to "the mark of the Beast", is beyond silly. 

On the other hand, just because something is legal doesn't make it "right" or even good policy.  I'm just starting to form an opinion on this so I solicit intelligent commentary.  I'm especially interested in the security vs. privacy discussion.


  1. Students shouldn't have to wear anything. They are kids. The overwhelmingly vast majority are not screwing with anything. Even if it's legal, it shouldn't happen and probably offers little advantage.

  2. Robert H. Bork7:09 PM

    Srsly? Where is privacy in the constitution?

    As we Slouch Toward Gomorrah. I sayz you ain't haz none.


  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Given the level of difficulty that we have getting students to wear non-RFID IDs, I'm personally in favor of implanting chips like I had done with my pets.

  4. Robert H. Bork7:20 PM

    I'm sure the school district's website will answer all of your pertinent questions.

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM

    This has nothing to do with security.

    The two selected schools have the lowest attendance percentage in the district.

    This is an attempt to force the reported attendance rates higher (and thus get more
    funding for the school).

    -Mark Roulo

  6. They can hand this stuff in at homeroom and collect at the end of the day. On campus, in school, whatever. But we all know those badges go home and it just opens the door to all kinds of bad things as the technology improves/gets cheaper.

  7. I'm fine with requiring students to wear simple ID badges with their picture - just like I am required to wear every day.

    Where I disagree is requiring students to wear something with which they can be electronically tracked.

  8. Chem Teacher Doug12:15 PM

    If they have the ability of being tracked outside of the confines of the school day (say, 7:30-3:00), then I am against them. When they are supposed to be at school and aren't, then finding them isn't a privacy issue. But, if it is about recouping ADA, then have your Community Attendance Workers/Truancy officers do a better job.

    Once a kid leaves school, they have every right to privacy and the chip goes silent. However, we saw how that went in that report that had laptops being taken home and someone at the D.O. remotely turning on the cameras. I am with you - security/privacy is a venn diagram that has some overlap.
