Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Resolved To Lose Weight?

Maybe the science isn't settled:
In my new book, The 8-Hour Diet, I'm proposing something that may sound a little radical: Skipping breakfast may be the key to skipping a lot of things -- excess weight, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and premature death, among them. How are you going to do all that, simply by pushing away from the breakfast buffet? By engaging an amazing process called "hormesis." Scientists tell us that if you challenge your body, the way you do with a 16-hour fast, it responds by preferentially burning fat, sharpening your mind, tuning up your heart, and turning on the human growth hormone jets. Cool, right?

Which leads me back to breakfast, and why it's important to skip it.
Some of what he said sounded contradictory to me--maybe you'll do a better job of understanding!


  1. P. T. Barnum10:14 AM

    The *science* is settled. Writing a book about trendy diets with *magic bullets* is a sure way to make money off suckahs.

    David Zinczenko was General Manager of Rodale Inc.'s Healthy Living Group and EVP/Editor-in-Chief of Men's Health. He also served as the editorial director of Women's Health, Prevention, and Organic Gardening and oversaw Rodale's book department. He authored the best-selling series, Eat This, Not That! and the Abs Diet. He is also co-owner of the New York City restaurant, The Lion.

  2. I'm doing something sort of similar. I low-carb from 3 p.m. on, with one cheat afternoon/evening per week. Fasting for breakfast seems weird. Why not eat the carbs at the beginning of the day since the energy will be needed throughout the day? This way of eating seems to have gotten me through the holidays without putting on weight.

  3. Can't say that I understand it, but my anecdotal evidence supports it. My wife does not eat breakfast and then a very small lunch. She eats a normal dinner and maybe a snack before bed. She only weighs a few pounds more than she did on our wedding day 27 years and three kids later.
