Thursday, January 31, 2013


When I moved into this house almost 8 years ago, I planted an orange tree in the front yard.  A year later I planted one in the back yard.  I don't like oranges much, but I love orange juice, and the idea of having some shade, as well as having some fresh-squeezed orange juice, sealed the deal for me.

The tree in front has long been shaded by some of my neighbor's trees, so this year was the first year I got oranges off the front tree.  Last year I got oranges off the back tree but the juice was very bitter.  Anyway, a couple days ago I harvested my first crop from the front, about a dozen oranges, and this afternoon I juiced them.

Heaven :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    We lived in central FL for several years, and one of the first things we bought was a (hand)juicer. We had a mature orange tree and a number of my DH's clients regularly brought boxes of oranges and grapefruit into his office. One would bring a whole pickup load of boxes; he had many trees but none of his family or friends would accept the fruit, only the juice. We weren't too proud to juice our own! As you said, Heaven.
