Monday, January 28, 2013

15 Lies of Liberalism

It's hard to argue with this article:
Liberalism offers up a utopian vision of the world and then invites its practitioners to feel good about themselves for embracing it. Not only does this beautiful fantasy world never come to pass, liberalism fails to address the root causes of the problems it sets out to solve while creating whole new disasters in the process. In other words, it's a never ending circle. There's a problem, liberalism is offered up as the solution, it doesn't work and creates more problems, for which liberalism is offered up as the solution, etc., etc., etc. until you're starving, bankrupt, or your society is tearing itself apart at the seams.
Liberalism says that....
Yeah, go read the whole thing.


  1. allen (in Michigan)5:44 AM

    I did and it's a litany of symptoms, which is helpful when trying to fight the disease, but less helpful when trying to come to terms with the underlying cause.

  2. Except, John Hawkins has only ever know a world governed by liberal-progressive ideals. And, unless he thinks he has grown up in suffering and his world is a miserable failure - which I doubt - he's a tad naive. So, it's understandable that he would mistake the realities of liberalism for a natural order.

  3. The biggest flaw in liberalism is that they care. Has Obama been to Chicago ONE SINGLE TIME to specifically address gun violence? He rails and allows people like Gabby Giffords to be used to promote what is an erosion of constitutional rights but does nothing to personally show his interest in what is supposedly his home city. This is clear evidence that the gun issue, like so many others, is being used to divide us. This president cares about nothing except consolidating power in the Executive Branch to the detriment of our nation.
