Friday, December 14, 2012

Rock Star

Regular readers of this blog know that I've started a (5 year long) master's program via distance learning, and my first class has been Linear Algebra.

I started out slowly, getting 9/10 on my first homework submission and 85% on my first test, and began to wonder if I still "had it", as I used to do rather well academically.  After that I hit my stride, though, and going into the final exam this past week I had just over 96%.

Monday after school I took my final exam.  I was allowed 2 hours but finished in 80 minutes--and felt very confident about the results.  Today I got those results back:  including a total of 10 available bonus points, I scored 149/140 on the final, ending with just over 99% in the class.

I'm euphoric.  I feel like a rock star!  There's nothing I can't accomplish today!
appropriately-titled video #1
appropriately-titled video #2


  1. See? Not surprised. Well done.

  2. Way to go! Now go rest on your eigenvectors for Christmas, and orthonormalize yourself for the new year :)

  3. Coming up in less than a month: Statistical Analysis. It's the course I dropped one week into the semester after realizing I couldn't handle 2 courses at once.

  4. Congrats Darren

    How many more classes?....and do you have a thesis or final exam?

  5. 9 more courses (and 9 more semesters). Cumulative final exam at the end.

  6. PeggyU11:09 PM

    Congrats! :D
