Wednesday, December 12, 2012

More On Union Thuggery

Instapundit is all over this:
WHAT THE LEFT BLOGOSPHERE IS DOING ABOUT THE ASSAULT ON STEPHEN CROWDER: “They’re engaged in a systematic effort to create confusion and discourage mainstream journalists from reporting on the incident.” And they don’t have to be very good at it to achieve their goal, since mainstream journalists are looking for an excuse to ignore it. They never cover violence by lefties when they can avoid it, though they’re happy to report made-up claims of violence involving the right.
Additionally he links to this:
Max attempts to take the side of the violent protester by implying that Crowder deserved it for inserting himself into the situation and advises Steven to “stop whining, take your licks, and accept that getting hit in the face is a hazard of inserting yourself in the middle of an argument between billionaire-funded know-nothing ideologues and people whose livelihoods and stability are being threatened by the insatiable greed of the super-rich and the blind extremism of their wooden-headed political allies.”

Really? I would love to see this writer’s reaction if a writer at Gawker had gotten punched in the face at a Tea Party event while reporting. I highly doubt the reaction would be the same. It shouldn’t matter what political party you belong to, violence should always be condemned.


  1. It is becoming increasingly clear that the media has been promised something by the Obama administration in return for blind loyalty no matter what. We can no longer believe anything they say.

  2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "It is becoming increasingly clear that the media has been promised something by the Obama administration in return for blind loyalty no matter what."

    I doubt it. Too many people would need to keep quiet.

    This is just how they are ...

    -Mark Roulo

  3. allen (in Michigan)8:01 PM

    I agree with Mark but not because too many people would need to keep quiet. I doubt anything's been promised because it would be redundant.

    Why make promises to people who are already in your pocket?

    They want to believe. They yearn to believe. Making them promises so they'll be on your side would just confuse them.

  4. Obama seems to be increasingly uninterested in doing anything other than be a relatively good orator. Even that is wearing thin. The Republicans should really consider nominating a viable candidate . . . Gary Johnson was right there.

  5. and . . . just to be clear? I am a different Max.
