Saturday, December 29, 2012

If This Bothered You Lefties Under Bush...

...why does it not bother you under Obama?
By a vote of 73 to 23, the US Senate just voted for the warrantless surveillance of American citizens until 2017.

The vote, set to affirm to eradicate the FAA Sunsets Extension Act of 2012, means we'll be living with Bush-era spy laws for another half decade. In 2007, the Senate voted to grant blanket immunity to companies like AT&T, which conspired with the NSA to monitor American digital conversations without government oversight after 9/11. Today's vote continues that immunity, and provides further carte blanche for the American intelligence-gathering apparatus. Phone calls, texts, and emails are all fair game—and a judge doesn't have to give the OK, so long as it's in the name of counterterrorism. Which is a very easy guise.


  1. Because they just get that warm, cozy feeling knowing Big Brother is looking over their shoulder?

  2. Not sure what your point is. I opposed it under Bush, and I continue to oppose it under Obama. This isn't a left/right issue, it's a constitutional issue. In fairness, Bush should get more blame -- because it was initiated under his watch. Much easier to pass on something already in place . . .which in no way excuses "I'm closing down Gitmo" Obama. Increasingly, the Constitution is becoming a suggestion, not the law of the land.

  3. allen (in Michigan)4:28 AM

    Why doesn't it bother lefties under Obama? Because standards of behavior applicable to those who need ruling don't apply to their natural rulers. So a lefty who commits a violent crime for ideological reasons, like say Bill Ayers, gets a pass.
