Sunday, December 02, 2012

California's Katrina, Sacramento's Sandy

Actually, the storm drain is over a meter away from those leaves--in the gutter, past the sidewalk that you can't even see because it's under water.  Guess I'm not going anywhere any time soon!

We've had a couple storms move through the area in the last week.  I don't know if the "next" one was last night's (that wasn't so much) or if it hits today--although you can see in the video that right now the weather is fairly clear.

(And no, it's not me who gave these storms the names in the titles of this post.  Some yahoo local news anchor actually used one of the titles, and perhaps I came up with the other--although I may have heard both on the radio and used it in some George Harrison/Pointer Sisters My Sweet Lord/He's So Fine sorta way.)


  1. my street flooded, too

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    There was some flooding here when the rains came last weekend, but we're on higher ground, so we were okay.

    The next round is due in a day or so... so don't put the umbrella away yet!
