Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tolerating the Intolerable

There's an old saying attributed to Voltaire:  I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.  Such stupidity is what you get when you listen to the ramblings of dead white men.

How can any womyn, she of the sacred interior plumbing, be a political conservative?  Don't they understand that conservative men only want to control them and their ladyparts?  How can they speak of the individual (pfft!) when there's a community of sisterhood out there?  I hate to paraphrase another dead white man, but don't they know that if they don't hang together they shall certainly hang separately?

We progressives are enlightened and tolerant, but that tolerance can't and won't extend to conservatives.  Oh, it will extend to the peace-loving peoples of the Middle East, whom the evil conservatives tell us will essentially enslave womyn (an oppressed group in the West) and torture gay people (another oppressed group in the West), but it does not and can not extend to the evil conservatives who tell these lies.  Well, maybe they're not actually lies, but are rather reactions to the cowboy diplomacy of our previous president.  It's a good thing that we now have smart diplomacy and that America is a respected and valued member of the world community again.  I like knowing that the rest of the world loves us now.

But I'm getting off track--the track that conservative womyn like Ann Coulter should be tied to just before a train comes.  See, Coulter is intolerant.  No one should listen to her.  What she says is bad, is "unmutual".  Kudos to the president of Fordham University for speaking truth:
…Student groups are allowed, and encouraged, to invite speakers who represent diverse, and sometimes unpopular, points of view, in keeping with the canons of academic freedom. Accordingly, the University will not block the College Republicans from hosting their speaker of choice on campus.

To say that I am disappointed with the judgment and maturity of the College Republicans, however, would be a tremendous understatement. There are many people who can speak to the conservative point of view with integrity and conviction, but Ms. Coulter is not among them. Her rhetoric is often hateful and needlessly provocative-more heat than light-and her message is aimed squarely at the darker side of our nature.
I cannot bring myself to congratulate the College Republicans for rescinding her invitation:
When the College Republicans rescinded their invitation to Coulter, saying they didn’t “vet” her properly, McShane said the university had passed its challenge “with flying colors.”
What, should we give them an award or something for finally doing the right thing--for once?  Our universities should not be places where speech like Coulter's is tolerated.

Only positive, enlightened, intellectual speech should be allowed on our campuses.  F*** those Republicans.

 Update, 11/15/12:  It was all a joke, I didn't really turn liberal :-)


  1. Dr. Pangloss2:32 PM

    "Don't they understand that conservative men only want to control them and their ladyparts? "

    BTW. How'd the Creepy Rape and Abortion Caucus do this time.

    0-9 by my count.

    Richard Mourdock (IN) - Lost!
    Joe Walsh (IL) - Lost!
    Todd Akin (MO) - Lost!
    John Koster (WA) - Lost!
    Roscoe Bartlett (MD) - Lost!
    Paul Ryan (VP) - Lost!
    Tom Smith (PA) - Lost!
    John MacGovern (VT) - Lost!
    Rick Berg (ND) - Lost!

    And the Blunt Amendment. Shutting the Federal Government down unless you defend Plan Parenthood. Brilliant.

    To bad it's not satire. It YOUR party.

    Keep talking about ladyparts GOP. All is for the best in the best possible worlds.

  2. If I believed in the Constitution at all, I'd say there should be a constitutional amendment *requiring* funding for Planned Parenthood--at 150% of whatever level they say they need.

  3. Akin said all that stupid crap and STILL got 46 percent of the vote. People hate Claire McCaskill. Most would have voted for a mouldy cheese sandwich before voting for Claire McCaskill. Because a mouldy cheese sandwich can keep its mouth shut, and would probably know when to drop out of the race better than Akin did. :/

    Ughh. Now this chick represents me. I am not happy. Would I have been happy with Akin? No. Ughhh.

    Welcome to Missouri, where we elected some dead guy to be governor not so long ago. I'm thinking we need better choices on the ballot...

  4. allen (in Michigan)3:36 PM

    Gee doc, if only that happy dance didn't represent only a partial come-back from the spanking the party of racism and divisiveness received in 2010 how much closer we'd be to that best of all possible worlds your pedestrian imaginings construed.

    But that's all it is so I suppose you have no alternative but to try to spin it as a great victory. That shows how far the left's fallen. Now a great victory consists of hanging on by your fingernails.

  5. Kid Glove3:39 PM

    Seems Charles Darwin had a response to your *satire* (if that's what you're calling it). I guess there will be no other opinions since groupthink and confirmation bias is the norm here.

    With continued insults towards women for caring about personal health and freedom and viability in the workforce it's a wonder there's a gender gap. And while the GOP assumes that a successful person of color is a result of affirmative action they wondering why they don't get credit for Condi Rice, Colin Powell or Clarence Thomas. The last two Democratic presidents were honest to goodness American Dream success stories. Men who came from broken homes and poverty only to transcend their status to become brilliant and powerful forces in America. They should be heroes to every little kid growing up in a tough neighborhood.

    But not the the right. They degrade both Bill Clinton and B. Hussein Obama while at the same time trumpeting the privileges soft handed sons of power.

    Your so called satire is just angry mockery. It's why you lost this election.

  6. You sound angry. Why are you so angry? The world is good!

  7. And while the GOP assumes that a successful person of color is a result of affirmative action they wondering why they don't get credit for Condi Rice, Colin Powell or Clarence Thomas.

    No one questions the accomplishments of these people. It's quite open they are accomplished in their chosen field. The difference is B Hussein Obama has no accomplishments prior to the presidency (and his accomplishments sin office are a disaster). Ten years as a back bencher in the Illinois senate, four years in the Senate with nothing to show for it. He likes to claim he is an honor graduate of Harvard but will not show his grades or his writings in the Law Review.

    The last two Democratic presidents were honest to goodness American Dream success stories. Men who came from broken homes and poverty only to transcend their status to become brilliant and powerful forces in America. They should be heroes to every little kid growing up in a tough neighborhood.

    Little Barrack or Barry or whatever you call him grew up in Hawaii and went to the finest schools in the state, then got an Ivy League education. And what were B Hussein and Billy "brilliant and powerful forces in America" for?

    But not the the right. They degrade both Bill Clinton and B. Hussein Obama while at the same time trumpeting the privileges soft handed sons of power.

    I think you really need remedial composition. Your English is pretty poor in the paragraph. But if there is a "privileges soft handed sons of power." out there the name is Kennedy. Joe Jr (the actual son Joe Sr wanted to buy the Presidency for), Jack (the boy the Old Man buy the election of 60 for), Bobby (killed before he could buy 68 for him) and Teddy (long time leach senator) who his daddy kept from going to jail for intoxication manslaughter. And they are a force to be reckoned within leftist politics.

    Something you should know, respect and contempt have something in common. They are earned. A perfect strange gets imply courtesy from me because I don't know him and I was raised right. B Hussein has been a disaster for this country and contempt is the least he deserves.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Wow someone has had a change of heart lol

  9. First, wouldn't it be better for the GOP, if they would like to wield any power, to give up trying to regulate things (especially at the national level) that the populous clearly does not want regulated, and concentrate on more important issues? Like, trying to ensure that abortion is, at best, rare? I mean, the windmills will still be there after your tilting is done, but they'll be being run by an obama funded alternative energy company.
    As to Coulter . . . I enjoy her, and I think a lot of people take her way to seriously -- she can take it as well as give it -- just look at any of her appearances on bill maher's show. but, why does fordham's president not get to express disappointment? everything he said was correct about coulter . . .especially if she has a new book out.

  10. It is good and just that the university president criticized his students because he disagreed with their political stance. As clearly, honestly, obviously stated in the title of this post, no one should tolerate the intolerable.

    To show what a good guy he is, he even gave the CR's a face-saving way out of the cesspool in which they find themselves with the blond she-witch--they were allowed to say that they rescinded their invitation after discovering they hadn't vetted her properly instead of having to admit they were compelled (which is the right thing to do anyway) to disinvite her. The CR's need to understand that free speech only extends so far, perhaps they've learned that now.

  11. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Wait, what is your stance on abortion?

  12. Whom are you asking?

  13. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Sorry, I was asking you

  14. I think it it everyone's patriotic duty to have an abortion. If I could identify my biggest regret in life, it's that I was born a male (potential rapist) and not a womyn; my karmic punishment for that transgression is that I cannot have an abortion. I feel such a deep hole in my life because of this. I'm not worthy.

  15. Anonymous6:56 PM

    That was hilarious, I'll be sure to visit your blog again.

  16. As a womyn, I'm glad you recognize how at fault you are for being born (and staying) male. As you mention having had a child, I don't think I can grant you absolution, for by participating in a heterosexual relationship, you have engaged in oppression of women. For penance, you must memorize the written works of Sheila Jeffreys.

  17. Yo Darren, I've noticed your language has changed somewhat since West Point upset AFA. Just saying! ;<)

  18. No, it changed since I became a card-carrying liberal!

  19. CT, I'm so humbly sorry :( I will cry, if that will convince you of how truly sorry I am.

  20. Here's my take as the result of a conversation with my daughter tonight. If you want to see who is conducting a Real War on Women look no further than the insurance mandates imposed by Obamacare. As a young married woman who buys insurance private due to cost, she can get birth control, she can have an abortion, but she can't get coverage anywhere for pregnancy. Where's the Reproductive Freedom the Left so touted? Oh, it's with their demographic base-the poor who go to public hospitals and pop out a kid a year. I am so sad. This is all so backasswards.

  21. by the way, womyn is plural. the singular is 'woperdaughter'

  22. EllenK, with all due respect to your status of having interior plumbing, I have to take exception to your characterization above. Only conservatives hate women. Everything about Obamacare is wonderful. Please don't drink the Faux News kool-aid.
