Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Election Was Today

As I said on Facebook, I didn't foresee Obama getting 300 electoral votes (he still hasn't, as I type this, but it's pretty clear he will).

I don't dislike the guy because of his skin color.  I dislike him because he stands against just about everything I stand forThese words are true:
When governments gain power, individuals lose freedom.  Looking out toward the horizon tonight, I wonder how much more freedom Americans will be willing to surrender.
"What kind of government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?"  "A Republic, if you can keep it."

I'm not sure we can keep it.

Update, Wednesday morning:  my assemblyman and congressman are now both Democrats.   A bond measure for my school district, which throws good money after bad, passed, which increases my property taxes, and the state sales tax is going up.  Not a good night for me....


  1. PeggyU12:16 AM

    I'm offering up this quote, borrowed from smalldeadanimals.com (the post that went with the quote is worth a read): "Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful, good society' which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero

  2. benghazi will be his downfall . . .shortly. Say hello to President Biden . . .

  3. allen (in Michigan)3:38 AM

    "I'm not sure we can keep it. "

    That's always been the central question from the Constitution was signed. There's never been a shortage of dictator-wannabees since that's a desire built into the human psyche. The wonder is that we've kept the republic, more or less, as long as we have.

    We'll survive Obama although the world, with the widespread embracing of free trade, is becoming a distinctly more competitive place so having a socialist in the highest elective office is a more serious disadvantage then when many countries opted for a more distinctly socialist tack.

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I support "reverse secession." That's where the patriotic (i.e. "red" states) keep the Union, whilst dumping the flotsam of the blue states. Why let the leeches in the blue states continue to suck the wealth out of the red states? I say this as I live in a blue state, although I'm looking to move to a suitable red state. (You'll also have to move out of the People's Republic of Kalifornia.)

    We are two countries that will never again be able to co-exist.


  5. Anonymous10:25 AM

    "benghazi will be his downfall . . .shortly. Say hello to President Biden . . ."

    Do you have some specific mechanism in mind? It isn't like the Senate would convict him even if he *WAS* impeached by the House. And I very much doubt that the House will impeach him over this.

    -Mark Roulo

  6. Today a black student told me she KNEW that Romney would reinstitute slavery because her preacher told her. Today black students at my school saw an Obama win as a reason to terrorize small white kids in the hall. This is the legacy of Obama's administration-a generation that believes that just because of someone's ethnicity that bad behavior is to be not just tolerated but praised. I'm having a hard time with this because my family has struggled just to make ends meet the last three years. With a smaller paycheck in January, I do not know how we will make it. And that scenario is being played out across the nation. I fail to see how people could be so naive to elect the same people to the same office and expect a different outcome. You think unemployment is high now, wait a few weeks. The 313 point dip in the NYSE is just the opening shots. Boeing laid off 2000 today. A friend of mine told her employees that she could not afford the coming taxation and 28 people will be without jobs after January 1. Union workers at Lockheed will be laid off courtesy of Obama's failure to insist that his party come to some solution. He and his ilk seem to think things will be easier now. What I see on the horizon is more unemployment and adjustments tomorrow, more companies hunkering down and contracting, more jobs going to China and it's all Obama's fault ultimately. I'm just not sure if the northeast's tragic weather is the result of God's anger at their politics or because of Snooki. Wish I could laugh, but I've never felt so bereft of hope in my life.

  7. Max, I wish you were right. Doesn't matter. He cold rape a 10 year old in public and Chis Matthews et all would call him the victim. I can only pray the House can limit the damage.

    Darren, we did get some good news. Our worthless DA got thrown out, Ted Cruz, a Tea Party favorite is now the new senator from TX (replacing a McCain like Kay Bailey Hutchinson) and a local issue of funds for mass transit came out well. At least down here it worked out well.

    You wanna come on down I got a guest bed room for you to use while you get set up! :<)

  8. Anonymous4:29 AM


    Be careful what you wish for. Those blue leeches like to send the red patriotic states money.


  9. Mark, honestly i do. i think this is going to be big, and indefensible. i don't think he commited a crime, per se, but i do think he showed glaring incompetence and allowed, knowingly, american serviced people to die. and then, lied about it (persistently. just watch the local tv interview he did in denver where he couldn't answer any question with a straight answer)... which is what killed nixon for a much less serious matter. he may not be impeached, but i think it will be ugly enough that he will be asked to resign by his own party.

  10. No freakin' way they'd *ever* ask him to resign--not even if he's caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl. Letting those people in Libya die wasn't a "high crime or misdemeanor", either, even if it was morally indefensible.

  11. Letting those people in Libya die wasn't a "high crime or misdemeanor", either, even if it was morally indefensible.

    No Darren, it was a bump in the road, remember.

  12. neither was breaking into the watergate hotel, or getting a bj in the oval office . . . lying about it is. i'd like to believe the dems would police their own, even if it's in pure self interest.

  13. Anonymous12:23 PM

    For some reason, you ignored my question while posting others, so I'll try one more time. Obama has over 330 electoral votes, and beat Romney by a margin of a few million votes. Why do you think this is?

  14. Because more people want him to be president than want Romney--the same reason most other reelected presidents won. What's your point?

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Well yes, obviously. What am I trying to get at is, why do you think he has the support of millions more than Romney?

  16. You make that sound like a big deal. Were you doing such navel-gazing when President Bush won reelection with "the support of millions more than" Horseface? I doubt it, and I'm not going to wallow here, either.

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    It honestly worries me that not only do you avoid my question, but you resort name-calling. For the record, I was a Bush supporter. I think you know the answer to my question, and I think you don't want to admit it.

    Let me ask a more important one, can you name 3 policies on which you agree with Democrats?

  18. I don't "avoid" your question, I thought I was clear that I find it non-sensical and valueless.

    As for agreeing with "Democrats"--well, I'm sure there's something, somewhere, in their party platform with which I'd agree, but I'm not going to spend the time to seek it out. On what I consider the "big things", we do *not* agree.

  19. In answer, here's a link to the county by county map. It makes the results even more questionable and makes the event of voter fraud not just possible, but likely.

  20. Anonymous7:15 PM

    You find it "valueless" to ask why Romney lost?

  21. I find it valueless to engage you in the manner you want to be engaged.
