Saturday, November 03, 2012

Holy Crap, This Is Sick. Get The Man Some Help.

Video included if you don't think someone could really say something so vile:
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary)...
Yes, it's Bill Maher, the man who publicly called Sarah Palin a cunt, a bimbo, and a twat, but still--"humor" like his is given a pass by the left. 


  1. Maher is a tool.

    If this is true, if black people will really "come after" Romney voters, then Bill Maher and the supposed black attackers need to understand that anti-Obama voters have been buying guns at a phenomenal rate:

    As Mike Vanderboegh says, "Got Militia?" Yep.

  2. I don't think it's true, I think it's a sick thing to say.

  3. It was equally disgusting that people actually laughed and applauded at those sick comments.

  4. allen (in Michigan)9:15 AM

    Of for God's sake, it's Bill Maher. The low-brow lefty's Micheal Moore.

    I'm just wondering how long it'll be before his catering to the most self-indulgent, least mature element of the left leads him to say something that'll result in enough revulsion to get him kicked off HBO.

  5. Personally . . .I used to find Maher funny, and am finding him less so now . . . but he's a freaking comedian! While that joke isn't particulary funny, you can't take it as a sincere belief of his.

  6. and . . .having just watched the episode in question . . . if you weren't under the impression he was doing standup -- he said 'i'm kidding, i'm kidding' directly after that remark.

  7. Of course he did. That doesn't change my closing statement--or my opening one, either.

  8. And in breaking news at an Obama rally, JayZ sings songs of b*tches and hoes. Real family fare there.

  9. "Holy Crap, This Is Sick. Get The Man Some Help." Are you seriously maintaining that he needs (I assume psychiatric) help for making a joke which you didn't enjoy, in the context of a show geared towards making political jokes? And,just for context, do you ever watch 'Red Eye' on FOXnews? Same show as Maher's, but generally funnier, and Greg Gutfeld, Andy Levy, and frequent and funniest contributor Jesse Joyce say horrible things about the left . . . so, it actually is a two way street. And, 'Red Eye' gets almost five times the air time Maher gets, on basic cable.
