Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm All For Dress Codes In School, But...

Dress codes should serve a reasonable purpose.  What's reasonable about not allowing boys to have ponytail-length hair?
Zachary Aufderheide has run afoul of his Ohio high school's dress code because of his desire to grow his hair long enough to donate it to Locks of Love, an organization that provides wigs to needy children who've lost their hair because of medical problems.

Zachary, 17, of Canton is about an inch away from the 10 inches of hair he needs to donate to the organization. Faced with an ultimatum, the Canton South High School junior decided to accept an in-school suspension rather than cut his ponytail...

According to the dress code in the Canton Local School District's student handbook, "Hair for male students shall be neat and clean and shall not be worn covering the eyes, in a ponytail, or extending beyond the bottom of the regular shirt collar."
If this 1960's rule stands, then girls should be forbidden to wear shorts/pants and be required to wear ankle-length skirts.

1 comment:

  1. Just another example of why all dress codes are bad.
