Thursday, August 09, 2012

Do They Think This Will Make Them More Money?

Do they think there's some vast, homosexual train-riding demographic to be tapped?
Amtrak is joining the recent trend of companies taking sides in the fight over gay rights with a new marketing campaign dubbed “Ride With Pride.”

The campaign features a website,, and advertisements showing same-sex couples aboard trains. It includes discounts to destinations like Martha’s Vineyard in Cape Cod, Mass., which Amtrak says is “extremely gay-friendly,” and a section called “out and about” that lists pride events.
Maybe they think that more people will ride Amtrak now that it's shown its true (rainbow) colors?

I'm all for gay-friendly, but in my humble opinion, Amtrak should spend less time on this political correctness and more on, oh, I don't know, how about turning a profit (see chart, p. 9).


  1. Thanks Amtrak. Ride with Pride is the mottof of the Blue Knights!

  2. allen5:53 AM

    Since it's Amtrak, we all get to pay for it whether the idea makes money or not.

  3. Some of my best friends...12:44 PM

    "I'm all for gay-friendly"


    It would be easier to argue—with evidence—that you eagerly jump aboard every right-wing media undie-bunching ride that ever opens.

  4. Prove I'm not. Otherwise, shut your pie-hole.
