Monday, August 20, 2012

Blogging's Going To Be A Lot Lighter For The Next Couple Years

Today begins my 2+ year odyssey of obtaining my master's degree.  I signed up for two courses this semester--and holy crap, at first glance I'm overwhelmed!  It's definitely not a program that will allow me hour upon hour of internet reading and blogging! 

I've toyed with just stopping blogging altogether--it's been almost 8 years.  But instead I'll keep it up, writing much more infrequently but just as passionately, and make a decision later as to whether or not to keep it going.  I could always use this space to complain about how difficult my classes are!

I'll keep you posted....


  1. You've always got weekends...
    -- Mark

  2. Now that I have access to the courses and have downloaded handouts and such--holy crap! I'm so intimidated!

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    You're taking the hard path, Darren. That path will make your life easier. Stick with it, you will succeed!

  4. socalmike1:09 PM

    How about guest bloggers? You have some loyal readers who are also teachers in California who are interested in politics, why not let them (us) do some guest blogging?

  5. When I went for my Master's I found that blogging was my "release" and a way to vent. I didn't do as much, but it was helpful to still do it. And it allowed me to whine about my own coursework as well. I certainly hope you keep it up - you are a real source of good information for the insanity known as California (and I can say that because I lived there for 30 years.)

  6. PeggyU11:34 AM

    I'd like to hear your experiences with obtaining a master's degree online, since I have been mulling that idea also.
