Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Travel Trivia July 3rd

I'm leaving today for a 2-1/2 week trip to Europe.  Come along by checking here each day for a brainteaser about my planned itinerary!  Here's today's question:  I have a 90 minute layover at an airline hub in Philadelphia; which airline am I flying?

(Put your guesses as a comment to each post--even if I don't post comments right away, the answer will show up on the next day's post)


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Sadly...USAirways, a merge between USAir and America West. It's one really screwed up company due to the continual infighting between te pilot groups that have yet to be merged.


  2. pseudotsuga5:47 PM

    Uhh...Pan Am?! heh--I really have no idea. Looking forward to your itinerary and wishing I were there!

  3. How about U.S. Airways?
