Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teacher Education Without Certification

In any number of areas, Hillsdale College is a place with its head screwed on straight--and teacher education is no exception:
In 2007, Michigan’s Department of Education changed its policy to require national accreditation for all teacher certification programs in the state. Hillsdale’s program had been certified by the state for decades, but administrators concluded that it would be wasteful to dedicate precious resources to an accreditation process that lacked both value and credibility.

Instead of closing the school’s Education Department, Hillsdale’s administration recognized that teacher certification is not the same as teacher education. The college could still produce smart, dedicated teachers for America’s classrooms, even if the students wouldn’t have an immediate path to certification. Hillsdale decided to continue its program and invite schools unrestricted by the burden of certification requirements to hire its graduates.

The professors in the Education Department embraced this new freedom and began to think about what teacher education could be without the ideological straightjacket (i.e., “standards”) from the state. We began our revision by identifying what kind of preparation was truly important for future teachers. 
Read the full article for yourself, but it sounds to me like they're on the right path.


  1. Mike434:41 PM

    When our daughter ran afoul of the PC Education department at her college, we told her to get her degree in the fastest manner possible, concentrating on high demand areas; math and special ed.

    We then sent her to an alt cert program that cost 2800 dollars. She graduated in May, started in June and was in the classroom by August.

    In Texas, at least, we are free from the Ed department tyranny for teaching licenses.

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I hope that Hillsdale College didn't actually write "straightjacket". It should be "straitjacket". I see that error a lot.

  3. Hillsdale didn't write the article I quoted, but that doesn't mean the misspelling you point out isn't theirs--I have no way of knowing.
