Friday, July 27, 2012

Sad Face

I received the dreaded letter today--the one from the principal telling us when to report back to work.  I have less than 3 weeks of vacation left :(  On the other hand, we'll finish the first semester before Christmas break, 2 weeks earlier than usual, so that's a bonus.

We also have two furlough days built into the schedule, one a 4-day weekend and since the other's in June I haven't looked.  If the tax increases don't pass on November's ballot, education funding will be cut such that up to 11 more furlough days can be added some time throughout the year.  It's my hope that they'll just lop off those days at the end of the year and not try to intersperse them--interspersing them would *totally* mess up my lesson plans!

Less than 3 weeks left.  I need to go camping one more time.


  1. I have 2 weeks and a bit. So I'm taking the kids on a road trip! I guess that last week will be pretty crammed with prep...

  2. In times like this I draw on the wisdom of a great man.

    My advise to you is to start drinking heavily.

    Remember, he was pre-med.

  3. scott mccall5:15 PM

    at least you get to go back to work. my mom got "the letter" saying her department is being replaced by people in india, for cheaper pay

  4. Good point, Scott.
