Saturday, July 21, 2012


At the Acropolis in Athens

At the Temple of Zeus at Olympia; here was where the ivory Zeus statue, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, stood

The Colosseum in Rome

The Theater of Marcellus in Rome, with modern apartments built into it

Trajan's Market and Forum, Rome

Public toilets at Ostia Antica, Ancient Rome's port city


  1. Beth says she's jealous as hell and she'll marry you if you will take her there!

  2. Sorry, but could you look anymore like an American tourist with that outfit?

    When I travel abroad, I tell people I'm from Texas. And then admit it's pretty wonderful to travel without worrying about the horses.

  3. You may not believe it, but I intentionally wore those clothes that day to look like a stereotypical tourist!

    No matter what, I was going to look American--the Europeans dress differently than we do, they just do. But I went full-on tourist there in Olympia, it was the only day I wore that shirt. Kinda gaudy, isn't it?!!!

  4. And Mike, Beth's a feisty one--I doubt I could handle her!

  5. It's just as I remembered it when I was there last except for the funny dressed dude in front of the steps..:)

  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Nashville has a full sized copy of the acropolis. In an un-ruined state. With an Athena statue inside. The color is wrong, but other than that ...

    For the next time you're in Nashville ...

    -Mark Roulo
