Sunday, June 10, 2012

Idiot Principal

Don't you just love stories like this one?  *sigh*
A controversial Coney Island principal has pulled the plug on patriotism.
Her refusal to let students sing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation has sparked fireworks at a school filled with proud immigrants.
Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, won’t allow kindergartners to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony...

She told the teachers to drop the song from the program.

“We don’t want to offend other cultures,” they quoted her as explaining...

Department of Education spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti gave The Post an explanation staffers said they never heard — that Hawkins found the lyrics “too grown up” for 5-year-olds...

Scaperotti said the department supports the principal’s decision. “The lyrics are not age-appropriate,” she said.

But Justin Bieber’s flirty song about teen romance, “Baby,” was deemed a fine selection for the show. Hawkins had no problem with 5-year-olds singing lines such as, “Are we an item? Girl, quit playing.”

The other songs: “We’re All Together Again,” popular at Scout campfires; “The World is a Rainbow,” which celebrates diversity; “Shake Your Sillies Out” by Raffi; and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from “Toy Story.”

Scaperotti noted PS 90 kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “America the Beautiful” each morning. Insiders say Hawkins tried to end that tradition a couple years ago but staff objected.

The principal, a Jehovah’s Witness, does not recite the pledge because her religion forbids followers to salute any nation’s flag. Staffers gripe she doesn’t stand in respect during the school-wide ritual.
The entire education field gets a black eye when idiots like this make the news.


  1. The principal, a Jehovah’s Witness, does not recite the pledge because her religion forbids followers to salute any nation’s flag. Staffers gripe she doesn’t stand in respect during the school-wide ritual.

    Darren, were are the usual suspects (ACLU, People United of Seperation of (Christian) Church and State, etc) on this. She seems to be pushing her religion on the staff and students. She doesn't want to show respect to her nation's flag we can't make her. But please don't push that on others through color of authority.

  2. I was wondering something similar. Great minds think alike--you've come a long way, baby!

    1. You are thinking on the level of an intel geek? Man you need help!

  3. No, silly, you raised yourself to *my* level--congratulations! :P

  4. The principal, a Jehovah’s Witness, does not recite the pledge because her religion forbids followers to salute any nation’s flag. Staffers gripe she doesn’t stand in respect during the school-wide ritual.

    Seems to me that those staff members need a serious reeducation on the US Constitution, the Bill of rights, and Americanism in general if they have a problem with the principal following her religion in her personal conduct.

    On the other hand, seems to me the principal is out of line for trying to impose her personal religious agenda on the school as a whole.

  5. Jehovah's Witnesses and the flag salute.
    I was born into the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1957.I was the good little JW boy who got beaten up in the school yard for not saluting the flag and remaining seated for the national anthem as demanded by my defiant Jehovah's Witnesses leaders.
    This was the better dead than red era of the 1960’s, and a kid not doing the act stood out big.
    I suffered much,only to learn that the Watchtower corporation is just another made up man-made religion.
    My JW leaders *forced* *compelled* me NOT to salute the flag,I wasn't given any option.If I wavered I would be severely punished by my parents and struck down by God at Armageddon.
    Kids suffer because of made-up rules by Jehovah's Witnesses leaders,senile old holy men sequestered in their insulated ivory tower.
    My point is:Jehovah's Witnesses claim 'neutrality' that is false as they DO try to force their convictions on others.
    --Danny Haszard FMI dannyhaszard(dot)com

  6. Is anyone else allowed into this club? Where do I sign up?

