Saturday, June 02, 2012

Slapping a Student

I can understand it if a teacher loses their cool.  I don't excuse it, but I understand it. But to do something like this, premeditated?  Are you kidding me?
The family of a California high school student has failed to see the funny side of a teacher imitating a scene from the hit comedy "Bridesmaids" and allegedly trying to slap some sense into the girl.

Dionne Evans, a ninth grade student at Malibu High School, alleges that when she forgot to bring her homework to class on May 22 she was called to the front of the room and the unnamed teacher asked, "Did you see 'Bridesmaids'?"

The teacher then allegedly slapped the girl's face up to six times, reported.
It is believed the teacher was referring to a scene in the 2011 movie where one woman literally tries to slap some sense into another.

Evans' family have filed a complaint with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. A spokesperson for the sheriff's Special Victims Unit confirmed to the Santa Monica Daily Press that they are investigating the incident.

The teacher has since written an apology to Evans but her family have hired an attorney and are reportedly considering a civil lawsuit against the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.
Someone in this story needs some sense slapped into her, and it's probably not the kid.

The School Insurance Authority must love stories like this one.

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