Monday, June 25, 2012

Friday Harbor

I'm staying in Friday Harbor, the largest town--not that there's much competition--on San Juan Island. My friends live on a 50 foot Hatteras, which even as I type here on the bridge is rocking back and forth gently in the marina.

Today we drove their Piaggio 150-cc scooters all over the island, making a lunch stop at Roche Harbor. I left my cameras behind today so that I could absorb the experience rather than record it, but trust me when I tell you that this is beautiful country.

At one of our stops a lady said, "people around here have either three houses or three jobs, guess which one I am!" This is definitely not an island on which the lower middle class can afford to live!


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Did you see the camel on the road between Friday and Roche?

    My family had the wonderful experience of seeing a pod of orcas at Lime Kiln Lighthouse a couple of years ago. The went back and forth in front of us for over an hour.

  2. PeggyU2:56 PM

    Can't afford to live there either. That's why you live on the mainland and vacation over there. ;)

  3. I saw no camels but we stopped at an alpaca farm. Didn't see any whales at Lime Kiln, either, but we heard that 2 pods weren't far away.
