Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What To Do When The Friend of My Friend Is My Avowed Enemy

Diane Ravitch--what's she going to do?
Hat tip to Stephen Sawchuk at Teacher Beat for reporting on the $550,000 grant the National Education Association Foundation received for labor-management collaboration from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. NEA’s charity arm previously received $358,000 from the Gates Foundation...

 Time to get out the popcorn again as we await the response of Matt Damon’s mom. And let’s not forget 2010 NEA Friend of Education Diane Ravitch, who had this to say about Gates and his “Billionaire Boys’ Club” in an opinion piece posted – where else? – on the NEA web site...

So, are they only Evil Corporate Puppetmasters when they give money to someone else, or is the NEA leadership a bunch of sell-outs? Let the debate begin.
You remember Diane Ravitch, don't you?

Well, given the bat-guano craziness of her arguments, I'm sure she'll find some way to justify it.


  1. You don't have to always agree with her - but Diane Ravitch deserves much more respect than you give her.

  2. Somehow I don't think you're that familiar with her forty years of research and criticism. So, I'm just saying you might not want to minimize someone's achievements. She's been pretty darn impressive for decades.

  3. I'm familiar with her work. That doesn't change what she is today.

    I'm not minimizing her past achievements. I'm just not letting them shield her from her present-day bat-guano insanity.
