Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wealth For Me But Not For Thee

From Instapundit:
LIFE IN THE ONE PERCENT: “Socialist Hollande owns three homes on the Riviera,” according to the London Evening Standard. “Francois Hollande, 57, who ‘dislikes the rich’ and wants to revolutionise his country with high taxes and an onslaught against bankers, is in fact hugely wealthy himself.”


  1. allen (in Michigan)9:14 PM

    Kinda reminds me of a whole slew of rich to ultra-rich lefties whose panties are collectively in a bunch over income inequality. I have a ready solution although I doubt I'll get many, or any, takers - give me your damned money and there'll be a smidgen less inequality.

    I should have bookmarked a site that correlated income inequality with overall income. It was a positive correlation - the greater the difference between top and bottom incomes the higher the average income.

  2. Shannon9:47 AM

    "that correlated income inequality with overall income. It was a positive correlation - the greater the difference between top and bottom incomes the higher the average income." Mean average or median? Of course a few people with ultra high income will increase both income inequality and the mean average income.
