Thursday, May 17, 2012

Haircut Merits Suspension?

I remember how unruly junior high students could be.  At the first jr high at which I taught, we sent kids home if they had "unnatural" hair color--blue, lime, neon pink, etc.  They're just too squirrely, and too easily distracted, to allow individual kids to stir the pot that much.  Now that I've taught high school for 9 years, though, and am not living the jr high life, I have trouble justifying this type of school reaction:
A young San Antonio Spurs fan faces an in-school suspension on Thursday if he doesn't somehow find a way to alter the image of Matt Bonner that was shaved into the back of his head. You read the previous sentence correctly. The Spurs forward, who is averaging just 14.6 minutes per game in the postseason, has apparently made such an impact on Woodlake Hills Middle School student Patrick Gonzalez that the youngster decided to have a hairstylist shave an image of the Spurs sharpshooter into the back of his haircut. Via Tas Melas, here's the image that has the principals at Woodlake Hills Middle School in righteous fear of the apparently inevitable anarchy and lawlessness in the school halls that will result if Gonzalez comes to school on Thursday without changing the haircut:
Pic at the link.

Had I not lived through it myself I would probably say this was excessive, but I remember enough not to be sure that it is.


  1. On the one hand my now soldier daughter would dye part of her then waist length hair different colors with kool aid. On the other I have a student who dyes her hair every other day and I will loose it one day with a "look if you gave my clas half the time you do your hair, you'd have an A"

  2. Wouldn't it be easier to have him sit in the back of each class. That way no one will be seeing it in class, and be distracted.

  3. A common sensical solution.
